Student Handbook

Arriving at N.T.U.A. / Meals Card

Expected dates of arrival 2024/2025:

Full Year Students  →  22.09.2024

Winter Semester Students  →  22.09.2024

Spring Semester Students  →  02.02.2025

Welcome Week Full Year/Winter Semester → 23.09.2024 – 29.09.2024

Welcome Week Spring Semester → 03.02.2025 – 09.02.2025

Orientation Day Full Year/Winter Semester → 23.09.2024

Orientation Day Spring Semester → 03.02.2025

Participation in the Welcome Week in not mandatory, though highly recommended!

The contact point for carrying out the procedure related to incoming students’ arrival is European Educational Programmes Office.

Upon arrival, students are expected to send at the following:

  • A scanned copy of the Boarding Pass of the flight to Athens or bus ticket or boat ticket or receipt from the customs,
  • A scanned copy of the European Health Insurance Card or the Health Insurance Contract in English,
  • Visa hoders: a copy of your Passport (the pages that contain your personal information details) and your VISA.
  • Documents from Home University that need to be signed and stamped upon arrival, if such exist,
  • Address in Athens + your father’s full name (ex. John ADAMS)  + a mobile number to be reached during office hours (09:00 – 14:00, Monday to Friday)

Once the listed documents are emailed, European Educational Programmes Office will:

  • Inform the Secretaries in order to proceed with Registration.
  • Activate the Meal’s Card (it corresponds to three free meals per day breakfast/lunch/dinner).

Students will be able to pick it up at the Student Restaurant in Zografou Campus (opening hours: 12:30 – 20:00).

Incomers studying at Zografou Campus can use their Card only at Zografou Restaurant.

All of the above is mandatory in order to proceed to the next step which is Registration.


The contact point for carrying out registration is the Secretary of the School indicated on the Letter of Acceptance.

Prior to their arrival students are contacted by the administrative coordinator of their School with instructions related to registering, electronic credentials, timetable of the courses. The procedure may vary according to the internal regulations and deadlines of each School.

Important to know:

Students with courses from various Schools of N.T.U.A. are expected to inform the Secretary of the School of registration of all the courses they intend to follow, regardless of the School they are taught in. They should also inform separately the Secretaries of the other Schools of the courses they will follow in each one of them.

A brief description of what to expect: registration is to be carried out electronically. A couple of days following the registration, students will receive on their email a user name and a password necessary for accessing myntuaris (academic platform) and applying for the Student Card.

Applying for the Student Card (PASO)

To be carried out in cooperation with the Secretary and the ESN team.

Applying for the Paso (Academic ID) is mandatory at a low cost of 3 euros approximately. To be collected at a mobile store of the students’ choice.

A part from the electronic credentials, a Greek mobile number, a scanned photo and a buddy are necessary for applying for the Card, since the online application is in Greek! It takes five minutes top and gives you many benefits.

The Academic ID provides students with access to the Library, free visits in most Museums and archaeological sites in the country, as well as and 50% reduction in means of urban (15 euros for the monthly card and 80 cents for the tickets) and maritime transportation.

In case of loss of either the Cards, students must report it to the Secretary of their School. They will be given instructions of the actions to undertake.

Making changes

Process to be carried out by European Educational Programmes Office.

Relevant documentationLearning Agreement for Studies Erasmus+ 22-23.docx

Within one month from the beginning of each Semester, incoming students must have finalized their study programme at N.T.U.A. and the Erasmus+ documentation that goes with it.

Before you continue reading beyond this point, make sure to open the “During the Mobility” and “After the mobility” Sections on Learning Agreement for Studies Erasmus+ 22-23.docx first (pp. 2-3).

Once the study programme has been fixed, they are expected to:

1 – Fill out the During the Mobility section of the Learning Agreement / p. 2 of the Learning Agreement for Studies Erasmus+ 22-23.docx

You can consult the SAMPLE_Dur_Aft_ 22_23.pdf as well.

Tips for filling out the During the Mobility section

  • There are 2 tables to fill out: Table A (courses at N.T.U.A.) and Table B (recognition at your Home University),
  • Fill in first the deleted courses, then the added ones,
  • Group the deleted/added courses per School,
  • Do not forget the Code Number of the courses,
  • Make sure to fill in the reasons for changing a course, cf. table on p. 4.
  • If you have changes to do at N.T.U.A., but no corresponding changes at your Home University, you should write on Table B – “No changes made”.
  • The links to the codes and the titles of the courses for all Schools are available at link.

2 – Fill out the After the Mobility section of the Learning Agreement with your final study programme at NTUA.

You can consult the SAMPLE_Dur_Aft_ 22_23.pdf as well.

Specifically, you should fill in the keepers from the original Learning Agreement + the added courses from the During the Mobility + the Greek Language Course – in case you are taking it.

Fill out just Table C / ignore Table D.

3 – Send the filled out document for checking to Mrs E. Skordalaki / .

Send it in a MS Word (doc) format.

4 – European Educational Programmes Office will have it signed by NTUA and will return it to you in order to have it signed by your Home University.

Once it is signed by your Home University you should forward it to in order to complete the Changes.

You are also expected to report all of your changes and final study programme at the Secretary of your School of registration. In case you have courses from more than one Schools, you are expected to inform additionally each School of the changes made there.


If I stay the whole year, should I fill the During the Mobility for the whole year?

No, just for Winter Semester.

We will repeat the same procedure for Spring Semester in February/March 2022.

If you do not have any Changes to make, you should fill out just the After the Mobility section of the Learning Agreement and send it at


One week prior to a student’s departure, he/she is supposed to:

  • Apply at for a Clearance paper from the Library, regardless of whether he/she borrowed books,
  • Forward it to the Secretary of the School where he/she is registered,
  • Deposit the Student Card and the Meals Card at the Secretary of the School where he/she is registered,
  • Forward to European Educational Programmes Office the Departure Certificate, in case he/she was given one form his/her Home University in order to be signed and stamped. Departure Certificates are processed after a student’s departure and are sent directly to the student.

All of the above is essential for the School to issue the Transcript of Records.

Transcript of Records

Within 8 weeks from the end of the examination period Educational Programmes Office will send the After the Mobility section of the Learning Agreement officially signed and stamped to both the student and the International Office.

In case an official Transcript of Records is demanded by a partner university instead of the Erasmus+ After the Mobility, the student should ask for it directly at the Secretary.

quick reminder of the grading scale:

Course marking is made on a scale from 00,00 (zero) to 10,00, with 05,00 being a passing mark.

For pass/fail courses/laboratories a mention pass/fail is awarded instead of a grade.

Diploma Thesis marking is allowed to use half marks, 00,50, and the passing mark is 05,50.

Students doing part of their Diploma Thesis (research or computational) and PhD candidates are awarded the corresponding amount of ECTS/work load approved by both parts on the Learning Agreement, accompanied by a description of the learning outcomes by the supervisor at N.T.U.A.