Application Procedure for Incoming Students

STEP 1: Nomination

As soon as the selection of Erasmus+ candidates is completed by partner universities, the International Office should send to (Mrs BAKOU Konstantina), an email, containing the students’ profile:

  • First Name, Last Name, Full Father’s Name,
  • Email address,
  • Home School,
  • Receiving School,
  • Total number of year of studies completed at Home University,
  • Semester of inscription at N.T.U.A., Full Year, Winter Semester, Spring Semester,
  • For students with disabilities, the type of disability is to be defined,
  • For students in need of pastoral care, the type of learning difficulty is to be defined,
  • For Erasmus+ grant holders, studying simultaneously for Double Degree/ EUREC/ European University Alliances, the origin programme is to be defined.

European Educational Programmes Office will contact the students about the required paperwork.

STEP 2: Application Instructions



Available information about the documents that candidates need to prepare.


Available information about filling out the documents, the dates of the Academic Calendar, selecting courses and preparing the Learning Agreement, Diploma Thesis, Greek Language Course.


Available Information about additional documents that candidates need to prepare.


Available information about how, where and when to send the application.

E) Double Degree / EUREC / European University Alliances students HOLDERS OF AN ERASMUS+ GRANT

Application procedure for holders of an Erasmus+ grant within this context.


Number of documents to fill out: 2

1. Application_Form_Erasmus_-24_25.docx

2. Learning_Agreement_Studies_Erasmus_24_25.docx
    AY 2023/2024 candidates are to prepare the Online Learning Agreement (link provided by their Home University)

   AY 2024/2025 candidates are to prepare the Online Learning Agreement (link provided by their Home University).
   In case of an incompatibility between the partner’s provider for the OLA and EWP, or in case a partner university is not active on EWP, the     word version of the Learning Agreement is to be completed.

Number of documents containing the required information for filling out the above documents: 1

1. Useful-Contacts-_AY_24_25_updated.docx



All documents are to be filled out in typewriting!

Documents sent in handwriting will be automatically rejected!

1. Fill out the Application_Form_Erasmus_-24_25.docx: all fields are mandatory!

Make sure to sign it yourself and have it signed and stamped by the Coordinator at your Home University.

In case you are not sure about the host Faculty/Department at N.T.U.A., please contact

2. Fill out the attached Learning_Agreement_Studies_Erasmus_24_25.docx, page 1, plus whatever Learning Agreement your Home University asks you to prepare.

All fields are mandatory in all tables and boxes of page 1!

Make sure to sign it yourself and to have it signed by the Coordinator at your Home University.

3. Students instructed by their Home University to prepare an Online Learning Agreement (OLA), are asked to send the link provided to the OLA provided by their Home University. In that case, they can skip the Learning Agreement Studies Erasmus+ 23-24.docx.

Academic Calendar 2023-2024

Full Academic Year 2023-2024: October 2023 to June 2024

Winter Semester 2023-2024: October 2023 to February 2024

Spring Semester 2023-2024: February 2024 – June 2024

The exact dates will be sent out to incoming students together with the official Letter of Acceptance.

Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Full Academic Year 2024-2025: October 2024 to June 2025

Winter Semester 2024-2025: October 2024 to February 2025

Spring Semester 2024-2025: February 2025 to June 2025

The exact dates will be sent out to incoming students together with the official Letter of Acceptance.

Selecting Courses:

N.T.U.A gives you the opportunity to select courses from various Schools.


MAKE SURE to choose at least one course from the study programme of the School you have been originally nominated to.

You must fill in the Code / Title / Number of Ects for all selected courses at N.T.U.A. (Table A) + the equivalent ones at your Home University (Table B).

Full Year students must group the courses by semester (Winter – Spring).

If you have selected courses from more than one School, group them by School when filling out the Learning Agreement.

You can find the links to the study programmes of all Schools at Useful-Contacts-_AY_24_25_updated.docx.

In case you need assistance in selecting courses or you have difficulties in finding codes or course description, you can find the contact data of the Secretary and the Academic Coordinator per School on the same document.

Diploma Thesis:

Before filling out the Learning Agreement you must have found a tutor at N.T.U.A. and agreed on the subject of the Thesis.

On Table A of the Learning Agreement you must fill in the title or the subject of the Diploma Thesis + the name of your tutor at NTUA.

On Table B of the Learning Agreement you must fill in the title or the subject of the Diploma Thesis + the name of your tutor at your Home University.

Ects: Research Part: 20 Ects / Computational Part: 10 Ects / Whole Diploma Thesis: 30 Ects.

PhD candidates:

Phd candidates should fill in on Table A of the Before the Mobility Section of the Learning Agreement a brief description of the research to be conducted at N.T.U.A. and the name of the tutor.

On Table B of the Before the Mobility Section of the Learning Agreement, they are expected to fill in the outcomes to be implemented at the sending institution, the name of the supervisor and the workload per week multiplied by the total amount of weeks, as well.

Greek Language Course:

Is not to be included in the Learning Agreement!

In case you are interested in participating just tick the brackets on the Application Form.

The course is free of charge and gives you 4 teaching hrs/wk X 13 wks.


1. A Transcript of Records in English, with a description of the Grading Scale of your Home University, also in English.

This is very important: without it the Erasmus+ Committees cannot deliberate!

Diploma Thesis students and PhD candidates are exempted of the above mentioned obligation.

2. An English Language Certificate.

3. A CV.

4. One passport size photo, black & white or colored, they will both do.


All documents (Application Form, Learning Agreement, Transcript of Records with the Grading Scale, English Language Certificate, CV, passport size photo) are to be sent in one pdf of 9 MB max at by 31/05/2024 for Full AY / WS  and 31/10/2024 for SS.

ΑΥ 2023/2024 Deadline for sending out the application: Full Year, Winter Semester: 31/05/2024. Spring Semester: 31/10/2024.

! Applications passed the deadline will be treated equally, without an on time School decision being guaranteed though.

E) Double Degree / EUREC / European University Alliances students HOLDERS OF AN ERASMUS+ GRANT

Students within this context that are simultaneously holders of an Erasmus+ Grant should follow the nomination and application procedure as described on Step 1 and Step 2.

Further clarifications:

Double Degree students can choose between the first and the second year in order to apply for an Erasmus+ Grant. Both options are academically and administratively supported by N.T.U.A.

EUREC students have a dual status at NTUA: regarding obligations related to their Master specialization they should contact the EUREC headquarters in their home university, as well as the Laboratory of Prof. V. Riziotis at the School of Mechanical Engineering of N.T.U.A. (Mr G. Caralis/, Mrs I. Tassi/

For all obligations and privileges deriving from their Erasmus+ grant, they should contact European Educational Programmes Office (Mrs K. Bakou/

European University Alliances students should also follow Steps 1 and 2, as described above. Same privileges and obligations apply to them as well.

STEP 3: Acceptance

Within two months’ delay candidates will be informed by email about the outcome of their application.

They will receive by email from European Educational Programmes Office:

  • “Letter of Acceptance”, officially signed and stamped,
  • the “Learning Agreement”, officially signed, with possible changes, if available upon communication of the Letter of Acceptance, later on otherwise.

They will receive by email from the Secretary or the Secretaries (for those that have selected courses in more than one School):

  • the contact data of their professors at NTUA,
  • a timetable of the courses,
  • instructions about registering.

Clarifications on Accommodation:

Students wishing to find accommodation via N.T.U.A. must contact ESN on FB: ESN NTUA or by email at

Clarifications on Visa:

Guide for National Visa & Residence Permit:
ESN NTUA members accompany incoming Erasmus+ students to Public Services involved in the procedure of applying for / renewing a visa.

Clarifications on Insurance:

EU residents must have a European Health Insurance Card valid for the whole period of stay in Athens, travelling days included.

Visa holders must have a private health insurance providing them medical care, medical intervention and hospitalization throughout their stay in Athens, travelling days included.

Reaching Zografou Campus:

Please check out the following link – .

STEP 4: Welcome Week / Orientation Day / Buddy Service

The Welcome Week is organized by ESN NTUA the week prior to the beginning of each semester. Students are contacted directly by ESN members regarding the activities organized.

The relevant information is also available at

Students can contact our ESN team on FB: ESN NTUA or by email at

The Orientation Day is organized by European Educational Programmes Offfice assisted by ESN NTUA during the first week of each semester. Two weeks prior to their arrival, foreign students will receive information by email about the place, date, and hour of the event, the schedule and a welcome message by ESN.

Participating in the Orientation Day is mandatory, as will take place all administrative procedures, such as registration, library card, meals card, a presentation of the cultural activities at N.T.U.A., as well as a tour of the campus.

In case an Erasmus student cannot keep up with the Orientation Day, there is always the possibility to register another day, but not later than two weeks from the beginning of the courses, with his/her buddy.


Erasmus students should apply for a buddy at the following link:

Application for a buddy is MANDATORY!

N.T.U.A. buddy service is based on a “one buddy per incoming student” scheme. Incoming students are assigned a buddy studying at the School they are expected to register at N.T.U.A.

School of Architecture

Incoming students at the School of Architecture should contact Mrs Eleftheria VAROUCHAKI about information concerning all aspects of their mobility at N.T.U.A.:

Ms. Eleftheria Varouchaki

Erasmus+ Office, Patission 42, Athens, Tositsa building, 5th floor

Tel. (+) 30 210 772 3834


Inclusion and Diversity

Students with disabilities are welcome at N.T.U.A.! The type of disability should be mentioned at the nomination email, so as to help Central/School Administration and the Erasmus+ Committees to prepare the best way possible the students’ mobility.

Pastoral care for students with learning difficulties is supported at N.T.U.A. The type of counselling the student will be needing should be attested at the nomination procedure.